Class of 2009


Tiara Johnson, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor
BioMarin Pharmaceuticals

Graduate research project title:
“Collecting a Family History of Adult-onset Disorders in Pediatric Genetics Setting"


Kelley Keener, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor
Children's Hospital of Michigan
Detroit, Michigan

Graduate research project title:
“Assessing the Validity of Family History Collection in a Pediatric Genetics Setting"


Mary Nyhuis, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor
Henry Ford Hospital & Medical Centers
Department of Medical Genetics
Detroit, Michigan

Graduate research project title:
“The Accuracy of the Cancer Gene Program to Assess the Probability of a BRCA1/2 Mutation: The impact of limited family structure"


Preethi Premkumar, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor

Graduate research project title:
“Qualitative Evaluation of the CMT and Pediatric CMT Neuropathy Scoring Systems for Children in a Multidisciplinary CMT Clinic"


Abbey Putnam, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor
University of Tennessee Genetics Center
Knoxville, Tennessee

Graduate research project title:
“Dominant vs. Non-dominant Hand Strength in CMT1A"


Kate Zellmer, MS, CGC
Genetic Counselor
Aurora Healthcare Wisconsin
New Berlin, Wisconsin

Graduate research project title:
“Comparison of Methods: Family history questionnaire versus a 3-generation pedigree interview in an infertility setting"