"Cancer genome evolution" by Steven D. Horne et
al. has been published by the journal Translational Cancer
Research and is available online.
In this article, the newly discovered pattern of
cancer evolution (including the two phases of
cancer evolution) and its genetic basis (including
fuzzy inheritance) are described, which explain
how genome and gene/epigene level heterogeneity
drive macro- and micro-cellular evolution. We also
suggest that understanding cancer evolution holds
the key to understanding other complex diseases
and evolutionary theory in general.
"Evolutionary mechanism unifies the hallmarks
of cancer" by Steven D. Horne et al. has been
published by the journal International Journal of Cancer
and is available online. In this article,
the evolutionary basis for the hallmarks of cancer
is discussed and the evolutionary mechanism of
cancer suggested by the genome theory is employed
to unify the diverse molecular mechanisms of
In a front-page article titled "Reshaping the
Cancer Transcriptome," Dr. Heng was interviewed
about his genome theory of cancer evolution and
his article "Unstable genomes elevate
transcriptome dynamics," in which his group
demonstrated the importance of transcriptome
dynamics in understanding the cancer landscape.
School of Medicine - Prognosis E-News
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Article PDF
"Stress, genomic adaptation, and the
evolutionary trade-off" by Steven D. Horne et al.
has been published by the journal Frontiers in
Genetics and is available online.
Cells are constantly exposed to various internal
and external stresses, and many ongoing
investigations focus on the sources of stress,
their specific molecular mechanisms and
interactions, especially regarding their
contributions to many common and complex diseases
through defined molecular pathways. Numerous
molecular mechanisms have been linked to
endoplasmic reticulum stress along with many
unexpected findings, drastically increasing the
complexity of our molecular understanding and
challenging how to apply individual
mechanism-based knowledge in the clinic. A newly
emergent genome theory searches for the synthesis
of a general evolutionary mechanism that unifies
different types of stress and functional
relationships from a genome-defined system point
of view. In this article, we discuss the
evolutionary relationship between stress and
somatic cell adaptation under physiological,
pathological, and somatic cell survival
conditions, the multiple meanings to achieve
adaptation and its potential trade-off. In
particular, we purposely defocus from specific
stresses and mechanisms by redirecting attention
toward studying underlying general mechanisms.
"Genome chaos: Survival strategy during crisis"
by Guo Liu et al. has been published by the
journal Cell
Cycle and is available online.
Initially detected through cytogenetic analyses,
genome chaos (a process of complex, rapid genome
re-organization that results in the formation of
chaotic genomes, followed by the potential to
establish stable, altered genomes) has been
recently confirmed by whole genome sequencing
efforts, identifying multiple subtypes including
"chromothripsis," "chromoplexy,"
"chromoanasynthesis," and "chromoangenesis."
Despite being a common phenomenon in human tumors,
the mechanism and detailed aspects of the process
are unknown due to the inability of observing its
evolution over time in clinical samples. In this
article, a simple experimental system was
developed to monitor the evolutionary process of
genome chaos and elucidate its mechanisms. We
found that genome chaos occurs following exposure
to chemotherapeutics with different mechanisms
(which collectively act as stressors) and results
in increased karyotypic heterogeneity and
transcriptome dynamics. Rather than impacting a
limited number of genes, re-organized genomes lead
to new system dynamics essential for cancer
evolution, acting as a mechanism of rapid,
adaptive, genome based evolution which plays an
essential role in promoting rapid macro-evolution
of genome defined systems during crisis.
"Ovarian cancer evolution through stochastic
genome alterations: defining the genomic role in
ovarian cancer" by Batoul Y. Abdallah et al. has
been published by the journal Systems Biology in
Reproductive Medicine and is available
online. In this article, we hypothesize that
genome-mediated cancer evolution can effectively
explain diverse factors that contribute to ovarian
cancer; in particular, the key contribution of
genome replacement can be observed during major
transitions of ovarian cancer evolution including
cellular immortalization, transformation, and
malignancy. We briefly review major updates in the
literature, illustrate how current gene-mediated
research will offer limited insight into cellular
heterogeneity and ovarian cancer evolution,
explain a holistic framework for genome-based
ovarian cancer evolution and apply it to
understand the genomic dynamics of a syngeneic
ovarian cancer mouse model. Finally, we employ
single cell assays to further test our hypothesis,
discuss predictions, and report recent findings.
"Unstable genomes elevate transcriptome
dynamics" by Joshua B. Stevens, Ph.D. et al. has
been published by the journal International
Journal of Cancer and is available
online. In this article, using an
immortalization model, the pattern of genome
alteration and expression dynamics during somatic
evolution were interrogated revealing karyotype
changes influence gene expression as major
alterations result in large gene expression
deviation. This study illustrates the karyotype,
transcriptome, and transcriptome-determined
pathways are in constant flux during somatic
cellular evolution, and this flux is essential for
cancer formation.
"Single cell heterogeneity: Why unstable
genomes are incompatible with average profiles" by
Batoul Y. Abdallah et al. has been published by
the journal Cell
Cycle and is available online. In
this article, single-cell and population-based
assays were used to describe an
instability-mediated mechanism where genome
heterogeneity drastically affects cell growth and
cannot be accurately measured using conventional
averages. We show that 1) most unstable cancer
cell populations exhibit high levels of karyotype
heterogeneity, where it is difficult, if not
impossible, to karyotypically clone cells; and 2)
by comparing stable and unstable cell populations,
instability-mediated karyotype heterogeneity leads
to growth heterogeneity, where outliers dominantly
contribute to population growth and exhibit
shorter cell cycles.
Dr. Henry H.Q. Heng's commentary titled
"Henrietta Lacks (HeLa) cell genome: cell line
identity and the personal privacy" has been posted
on the blog of the journal Molecular
Cytogenetics. In his entry, Dr.
Heng explains that there should be little concern
for privacy or ownership issues regarding the HeLa
cancer cell line derived from Henrietta Lacks due
to the continual, drastic genomic divergence from
Ms. Lacks's original genome.
"Genomics: HeLa genome versus donor's genome"
by Dr. Henry H.Q. Heng has been published by the
journal Nature
and is available online. In this piece, Dr.
Heng contends that the debate over ownership of
the HeLa cancer cell line derived from Henrietta
Lacks is undermined by the continual divergence of
chromosomal features (i.e. karyotype) and DNA
sequence in dynamic cancer cell populations.
Batoul Abdallah and Steven Horne
presented at the Midwest Graduate Research
Ph.D. Candidates Batoul Abdallah and Steven
Horne presented at the 4th Annual Midwest Graduate
Research Symposium on April 20, 2013 at the
University of Toledo. Batoul gave a poster
presentation titled 'Genome heterogeneity leads to
growth heterogeneity,' and Steven's poster
presentation was titled 'Genome chaos - an
effective mechanism for cancer evolution.' Both
presentations were well-received.
"Chromosomal instability (CIN): what it is and
why it is crucial to cancer evolution" by Dr.
Henry H.Q. Heng et al. has been published by the
journal Cancer
and Metastasis Reviews and is available
"Chromosomal instability and transcriptome
dynamics in cancer" by Joshua B. Stevens, Ph.D. et
al. has been published by the journal Cancer and
Metastasis Reviews and is available
"Karyotype heterogeneity and unclassified
chromosomal abnormalities" by Dr. Henry H.Q. Heng
et al. has been published by the journal Cytogenetic and
Genome Research and is available online.
"Heterogeneity of cell death" by Joshua B.
Stevens, Ph.D. et al. has been published by the
journal Cytogenetic
and Genome Research and is available
"Genome constraint through sexual reproduction:
application of 4D-Genomics in reproductive
biology" by Steven D. Horne et al. has been
published by the journal Systems Biology in Reproductive
Medicine and is available online.
imatinib remains an exception of cancer
research" by Steven D. Horne et al. has been
published by the Journal of Cellular Physiology
and is available online.
Abstract: The archetype driving the drug
targeting approach to cancer therapy is the
success of imatinib against chronic phase
chronic myeloid leukemia (CML-CP). Molecular
targeting success of this magnitude has yet to
be repeated for most solid tumors. To answer why
imatinib remains an exception of cancer
research, we summarize key features and patterns
of evolution that contrast CML-CP from prostate
cancer, an example of a solid tumor that also
shares a signature fusion gene....
Henry H.Q. Heng recently received a book deal
from Springer. His book, 4D-Genomics -
Genome Dynamics and Constraint in Evolution,
will be the first book to outline the new
genome-based genome research, point out new
direction in genome research, examine
three-dimensional interactions of the genome
over time, and lead readers to appreciate
previously ignored genome variation and its
important implications to evolution and
Henry Heng, Associate Professor of Molecular
Medicine and Genetics and of Pathology, is
taking a unique approach to genetic theory.
According to Heng, modern genetics might
need a complete overhaul to understand the
complex workings of the genome. Heng
says that geneticists have focused far too
much on individual genes and not enough on
the genome as a whole...
Henry H.Q. Heng has received a visiting
professorship from the College of Life
Science at Sichuan University in Chengdu,
Henry H.Q. Heng was recently appointed
co-Editor-in-Chief of Molecular
Cytogenetics. He joins Thomas
Liehr (Institute of Human Genetics,
Germany) and Yuri Yurov (National
Research Center of Mental Health,
Russia) in leading the journal...
Batoul Abdallah, Ph.D. Candidate,
and Steven Horne, Ph.D. student,
presented at the 3rd Annual Michigan
Alliance for Reproductive Technologies
and Science (MARTS) Research Symposium
on May 23, 2012. Batoul gave an oral
presentation titled 'Nonclonal
chromosomal aberrations as genomic
markers of ovarian cancer,' and
Steven's poster presentation was
titled 'Applying spectral karyotyping
to monitor ART-associated genome-level
alterations.' Both presentations were
well-received. Batoul and Steven were
invited to prepare manuscripts for an
upcoming special issue of Systems
Biology in Reproductive Medicine,
which is expected to be in print early
national foundation has sought out a
Wayne State University researcher in
an effort to discover whether
overall genome instability rather
than a specific molecular mechanism
may cause chronic fatigue and immune
dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS)...
Henry Heng was recently recognized
for receiving the Wayne State
University School of Medicine
Faculty Research Excellence Award
in 2010. This annual peer-judged
award is presented to exceptional
professors in each of the School's
basic science and clinical
Dr. Henry Heng
was recently awarded a $133,233
research grant from the National
CFIDS Foundation (Needham, MA),
in collaboration with The Nancy
Taylor Foundation for Chronic
Diseases (Tulsa, OK), aimed at
assessing disease damage in
patients with CFIDS/ME utilizing
molecular cytogenetic
"Genetic and
epigenetic heterogeneity in
cancer," an invited article by
Joshua B. Stevens, Ph.D. et
al. has been published by the
of Life Sciences (eLS)
and is available online.
Abstract: Cancer is commonly
viewed as a disease of the
stepwise accumulation of gene
mutations. However,
genetic and epigenetic
heterogeneity (GEH) is
pervasive in cancer, playing a
key role in promoting cancer
mechanisms and diversity in
cancer" by Dr. Henry H.Q.
Heng et al. has been
published in Advances in
Cancer Research and
is available online.
Abstract: The recently
introduced genome theory of
cancer evolution provides a
new framework for
evolutionary studies on
cancer. In particular,
the established relationship
between the large number of
individual molecular
mechanisms and the general
evolutionary mechanism of
cancer calls upon a change
in our strategies that have
been based on the
characterization of common
cancer gene mutations and
their defined pathways...
textbooks maintain that
the main function of sex
is to promote genetic
diversity. But Henry Heng,
Ph.D., associate professor
in WSU's Center for
Molecular Medicine and
Genetics and Department of
Pathology, says that's not
the case...
Online discussions of
this research:
- Benard Dugué
English translation (According to
Science News 7.26.2011
News 7.24.2011
system stresses: common
mechanisms of chromosome
fragmentation" by Joshua
B. Stevens, Ph.D. et al.
has been published by the
Nature publication Cell Death
& Disease and
is available online.
Abstract: Chromosome
fragmentation (C-Frag) is
a newly identified MCD
(mitotic cell death),
distinct from apoptosis
and MC (mitotic
catastrophe). As different
molecular mechanisms can
induce C-Frag, we
hypothesize that the
general mechanism of its
induction is a system
response to cellular
"Decoding the genome
beyond sequencing: The new
phase of genomic research"
by Dr. Henry H.Q. Heng et
al. has been published by
and is available online.
Abstract: While our
understanding of
gene-based biology has
greatly improved, it is
clear that the function of
the genome and most
diseases cannot be fully
explained by genes and
other regulatory elements.
Genes and the genome
represent distinct levels
of genetic organization
with their own coding
systems; Genes code parts
like protein and RNA, but
the genome codes the
structure of genetic
networks, which are
defined by the whole set
of genes, chromosomes and
their topological
interactions within a
cell. Accordingly, the
genetic code of DNA offers
limited understanding of
genome functions. In this
perspective, we introduce
the genome theory which
calls for the departure of
gene-centric genomic
Dr. Henry Heng was
recently awarded a
$900,000 grant from the
U.S. Department of Defense
to study whether Gulf War
Illness (GWI) stems from
genomic instability, which
he believes is the common
link among GWI patients...